Beauty and the Beast Stirs Up Mindless Uproar

Vanessa Passo, Staff Writer

Tale as old as time.

Society gets butt-hurt at every slight instance of something that differentiates from the norm or standard points-of-view of the majority of these nation’s folks.

Not much posed as different with the appearance of a gay male character, LeFou, in Disney’s live action “Beauty and the Beast”, released in 4,000 theaters nationwide on March 17.

The LGBTQ+ is not an unfamiliar movement in America. It becomes more prevalent each and every day, as more support, understanding and acceptance is embraced across the world.  

So, you would think a five-second-appearance of a male character dancing with another male character would not be something to get our panties in a bunch about, right?


Society has done it again.

It’s a song as old as rhyme.

The movie is based around the classic fairytale depicted by a beautiful, book enthusiast who is alienated by her small village for being more knowledgeable than most. She falls in love with a ferocious-turned-loving beast-like animal…which the people of Twitter, Facebook and just about every social media site are pegging as a ‘buffalo’.

Let’s discuss the beastiality in the film itself; a girl falls in love with a buffalo.

An animal.

In what world is this normal? In Disney’s world, that’s what.

However, nobody mentions, nor has issues with, this slight difference of societal norms because of the fairytale story, itself and the romanticism portrayed by the message of love that is far beyond what the sight can see. However, the presence of a gay character is enough to “prompt Russia to restrict children under 16 from seeing “Beauty and the Beast” and one drive-in-theater in Alabama not to screen it”, according to an article written by Chloe Melas for CNN.

Now, a word about the film, more so the scene that caused the unnecessary uproar….it’s totally, completely, subtle. Attention is placed upon the celebration of beast returning back to human-self (spoiler alert), in which a huge, choreographed dance number is participated by all cast members. LeFou is simply dancing with a female counterpart when a male finds his way into LeFou’s arms, in which the audience finds it quite comical and a few giggles were actually exchanged in the throughout. The gesture is so subtle, yet so endearing that it is hard to believe it even caused negativity.

The final scene of the film is quite heartwarming, in which true love is literally beaming through the screen, as extravagant dresses are swinging about and eyes filled with passion are exchanging looks among one another. The fact that LeFou is even pointed out in such a scene is almost annoying, as the whole film is portraying a message much, much deeper than two males dancing together.

LeFou, in fact, was the highlight of the film, for his bright personality and loyal companionship to his superior counterpart, Gaston, was almost admirable and somewhat comical. His friendship and loyalty is simply just towards a friend he looks up to, and who wouldn’t want a best friend who hypes you up and dances on tables belting a song dedicated to simply just how amazing, good looking and strong you are? Everyone would! Don’t even argue about it.

My final thoughts? I commend Disney for the highly detailed, intricate animations included in the film to bring this classic tale to life. As for LeFou, keep on doing you, boo. This controversy is not controversial, at all. I recommend this movie to any and all Disney lovers, even non-Disney lovers. It’s catchy, inspiring and nonetheless, visually appealing…and that, itself, is a tale as old as time that is true as it may be.