Yesenia De La Torre
On Sept 12 2023, Elgin Community College announced that they will be partnering with Southern Illinois University joining their Saluki Step Ahead program, an online program that allows ECC students to transfer to SIU without having to physically attend the university.
Director of Transfer Services, Tracy Vittone acknowledges the obstacles that can come in some transfer programs and expressed the mission that ECC and SIU are trying to create with this partnership.
“We understand that sometimes students want that flexibility when it comes to their classes and that’s what we’re hoping that this’ll create for students.” said Vittone.
First and foremost, students must complete an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or an Associate of Applied Science degree.
“Students can continue their education as long as they have completed their degree.” said Vittone.
Saluki Step Ahead currently consists of 12 different academic programs that students can receive their bachelor’s degree. These academic programs include Accounting, Business & Administration, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Health Care Management, History, Industrial Management & Applied Engineering, Information Technology, Nursing, Psychology, and Radiologic Sciences.
“We were first approached by SIU very early on when there weren’t many other schools involved with the program,” said Vittone. “We feel like it has progressed in a way where students can take advantage of it and not fear the unknown since it has now been around.”
ECC students can apply for the program no matter where they’re at in their community college career although it is recommended that they apply early during their first year to secure a spot.
“There is a scholarship opportunity for students that graduate from ECC with a 2.0 GPA or higher and commit to SIU as a full time student,” said Vittone. “Most 4 year institutions want a GPA of 2.5 or higher, but what’s nice about SIUs requirement is that it aligns with ECC.”
Students can receive the Saluki Step Ahead scholarship which is a scholarship worth $4,000 each year. Students receive up to $8,000 deducted from their tuition and fees since this scholarship is only valid for two years.
“We know that times are tough,” said SIU Transfer Coordinator Rey Diaz. “Of course there’s other financial aid and scholarships available as well, and hopefully students will find value in that and consider us for the upcoming fall semester.”
ECC hosted a signing ceremony between both schools on Sept. 6th, Diaz was one of the representatives from SIU that attended this event.
“Personally as an alum, I was very proud and excited that Elgin Community College took the next step to partner with us because this program is really designed for transfer students that can’t get to campus.” said Diaz.
If you’re interested in the Saluki Step Ahead program and have any further questions, feel free to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor!
“If a student is not ready to request information directly from the SIU website, all this information is something that academic advisors will have access to.” said Vittone.