ECC Wellness Services offer helping hands for depressive disorder victims

Joseph Watychowicz, Staff Writer

When colors begin to dim; orange, red and gray become more prominent. The sky darkens at a quicker pace, leaving many people in the dark for long periods of time.

Serotonin levels start to drop due to lack of sunlight, as well as multiple other important vitalities that the human body requires. While some of the people may look physically normal, their mental state is in an entirely different place. It’s relatively easy to dismiss the initial symptoms of depression by leaving a normal outer image to peers. For some, this is all they need to get out of a mental rut. For others, this is the beginning of an absolute demoralizing timeline. Seasonal Affective Disorder also is known as SAD, comes into full force once the cold enters.

How much can depression really affect someone’s life?

It’s important to note that SAD is only a subcategory of certain substantial mental illnesses. It is associated specifically with Bipolar I & II as well as major depressive disorder. Elgin Community College’s very own Wellness Professional, Mary Grimm, speaks in regard of these normally ignored hardships in life.

“People who struggle with photoreceptor imbalance are more susceptible to seasonal depression,” said Mary Grimm.

This relates to the decrease of natural sunlight that comes with winter and fall. Every individual has their own completely unique chemistry levels inside their body. This makes some individuals a lot more vulnerable to significant mental abnormalities. As major depressive disorder continues to thrive, “It is important to look at the criteria.” While seasonal changes can be a part of the cause, there are usually underlying issues that have contributed to the eventual negative mental episode.

“Core beliefs are developed at an early age and dictate and guide our minds throughout the day. Our mind will give us the advice to avoid by using our core beliefs,” said Grimm.

Many individuals suffer from their own negative judgemental thoughts, putting themselves down for even the smallest of traits. Whether they dislike their appearance, weight, or social capabilities. Many people have a train of thought in which their major focus on the negative perspective. Being mindful of these thoughts and realizing about their existence can be an immensely important first step to retrieving a more comfortable mental state.

“You are not your mind, meaning you get to be the listener. You get to decide what advice you accept from your thoughts,” said Grimm.

There are multiple ways to treat the recent and long-term development of depression; including antidepressants, talking and light therapy, or any combination thereof.

It’s really important to look at the criteria of a person’s symptoms. Is the individual’s life being affected socially and physically? While many people generally have their gloomy days, they do not suffer from the immense amount of side effects of major depressive disorders. Something as simple as light therapy can be the answer to the lack of received sunlight, allowing certain individuals to feel more mentally at ease.

When immense physical and mental fatigue alternatively develops, the use of antidepressants becomes a worthy consideration. While there is quite a substantial stigma associated with antidepressants, it has helped a countless amount of people.

Others find it negligible, as they find no improvement from trying multiple versions. In the end of the day, talking to someone about your thoughts and problems will be the most beneficial start to your recovery. Psychologists will use talk therapy to analyze the roots of your depression and can help psychiatrists with narrowing down any chemical imbalance problems. Psychiatrists will be the ones professionally prescribing any recommended medication. While finding a psychologist or psychiatrist may seem like a daunting task, there is a more accessible option available in ECC to help you out.

ECC has a Wellness Center where any attending individual can receive instant help.

“There is a protocol where you get to talk to somebody, right then and there. There will always be somebody to talk to if you need a helping hand,” said Grimm.

Not only does Mary Grimm and Vincent Cascio provide individual and group therapy sessions, but they additionally have light therapy available for both day and nighttime hours. For any questions regarding the Wellness Services at ECC, email them at [email protected]. Wellness Services are located in Building B in Room B120.