The Elgin Community College Student Life department hosted their annual Hunger Banquet on Nov. 8 in the Community and Heritage Rooms. In collaboration with Phi Theta Kappa, the Hunger Banquet strives to bring awareness to hunger insecurity.
The event began with Dr. Sam, the President of ECC bringing attention to the students who within our building suffer through hunger insecurity, even giving kudos to the Student Life department and Phi Theta Kappa for motivating other community colleges to open up their own food pantries. The conversation then switched over to Associate Professor of Human Services, David Carillo who led the PowerPoint in a “classroom style.”
This time last year, I attended my very first Hunger Banquet, alongside my then professor, David Carillo. My class was encouraged to participate instead of going to class because “it would be a learning experience like no other,” Carillo had said to us in class previously.
When I entered, I had no idea what would happen. However, after I left, I felt so knowledgeable on a topic that I was previously ignorant in. So, as I came back for my second time, I brought alongside my boyfriend, Rey.
Rey had no idea what was in store for him. He heard the word “Banquet” and automatically asked if he had to dress nicely. Little did he know that the entire time would be devoted to the presentation of hunger insecurity. Although I can not go into detail of everything that happened because it would ruin the experience for those who have not done it. My boyfriend left feeling like he learned a lot.
“It was good. I learned a lot, but I also felt bad, because I know how much food we waste at work without thinking about how many people don’t even eat at all,” Rey said.
After the presentation, we scheduled a time to work at our local food pantry. It was a great experience and I suggest to everyone to one day participate!