The Vaccine Mandate: What to Expect
The COVID vaccine or weekly COVID tests are required for everyone at ECC
Elgin Community College has mandated vaccinations for all students, faculty, administrators and staff.
Acting on Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s Aug. 26 executive order, Elgin Community College is requiring that that all students, faculty, administrators and staff get the COVID-19 vaccination or submit weekly COVID tests. For those who choose to get vaccinated, Sept. 19 was the deadline to receive the first of a two-dose vaccine or a single-dose vaccine, according to an all-campus ECC email.
This policy does not apply to fully exempt employees working remotely or students who are scheduled to be fully online this semester, although anyone coming to campus to participate in activities will be subject to the mandate, according to the school.
“Those who are not vaccinated are those who are dying in larger numbers,” said ECC President David Sam at all-college Zoom meeting on Sept. 9. “We have to remember that. The goal is to get as many people vaccinated as possible.”
Currently, ECC has over 8,000 students enrolled in fall classes, with around 4,400 students coming to campus for class. About 80% of faculty is on campus this fall.
ECC has hosted vaccine clinics during the first three weeks of the semester, and the school is encouraging unvaccinated individuals to visit or to find local vaccination locations.
The school announced that proof of vaccine status will be submitted on a software program called Cleared4Work, which is expected to be rolled out as the first vaccine mandate date takes effect. Individuals will receive an alert from Cleared4Works to submit an image of their vaccine card. The software program is secure and follows The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines, according to the school.
COVID testing is offered in Building K, Room 171. The test is a non-invasive nasal swab test. The testing will remain open from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, testing will be available from 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
“Building K was chosen as a strategic location on campus to allow accessibility, while at the same time, making it available for community members,” said Emily Kies, the Senior Director of Emergency Management.
Students who do not provide proof of vaccination or submit to weekly testing will be considered out of compliance and will receive notification via text and email from Student Services. Students not in compliance will not be allowed on campus until they provide proof of vaccination or submit to weekly COVID tests using the Clear4Work program. Faculty will receive notifications if their students are not in compliance and when those students are cleared to return to campus.

I'm Ava Pollock, and this is my first year at Elgin Community College. I graduated from Jacobs High School in 2021. Journalism is one of my planned degrees...