The Wellness Center welcomes new professional Jasmine Young

There is a new wellness professional at Elgin Community College and she is ready to help you.
Though Jasmine Young is just starting at ECC, her background in wellness is extensive. She received her master’s degree from Northern Illinois University in 2017, focusing on mental health therapy and trauma, and has worked with a nonprofit counseling agency for children ages 8-18 for the last five years.
“I fell in love with it,” she said. “And I love education. There’s this passion of imparting mental wellness and the education behind it. What other place can you do that other than a college campus?”
According to Young, she was blown away by the counseling department when she entered ECC because institutions and colleges do not always have a wellness center with licensed therapists.
“Every session is confidential and all of us in the wellness department are licensed, trained therapists,” Young said. “We can cover test anxiety or relationships but also we can talk about trauma. You get to be the guide. I get to be an advocate for you.”
Visitors to Young’s office are greeted by the scent of candles and lots of decoration. Young says she is someone who is accepting and will make you feel validated. According to Young, her office is a place of understanding.
Young pointed out that one-on-one wellness counseling sessions are on the rise at ECC. There are three different ways to participate in a session: over the phone, virtually, or in person. All of these are compliant with privacy laws.
Though confidential wellness sessions are available, there is also a plethora of wellness groups available to ECC students.
“We often see [that] there is a lot of empowerment and a collaborative effort if we’re all working towards the same goal,” Young said.
She knows it’s not easy for anyone to ask for help with their mental health.
“What I do like about ECC is that on our website we have an assessment called Mind Wise. You can’t diagnose yourself but what you can do is answer questions that will give you an overview, or you can pick on areas where you feel like you’re struggling.”
Young has a passion for helping people and educating them as a wellness professional.
“All we need to know is that you need us and we will be there to help,” Young said.

This is my first year at ECC pursuing a journalism career. I'm currently finishing up my Associates of Arts degree and I joined the Observer to stretch...