ECC clubs’ spring semester plans
With COVID-19 restrictions loosening up and students transitioning back to in-person classes, many clubs at ECC have begun to meet in person for the first time in over a year. With a wide array of clubs at ECC, students may find one that fits their interests. Here’s a quick rundown of a handful of clubs and their plans for spring 2022:
Associated Nursing Students (ANS)
For any nursing students at ECC or in the community, ANS could be a good fit.
“[ANS] is designed to offer a support group with resources and comradery that allows students to get engaged and active and meet other nursing students,” said Megan Petronella, president of ANS. Petronella believes that not many students understand how hard the nursing program can be until they are in it, so the support and positivity from the club are critical.
As for the future of the club, Petronella said ANS is working at potentially colonizing a chapter of NSNA which is the National Student Nurses Association. Through the NSNA, there are many opportunities for enrichment and leadership at the national and state level.
ANS is also planning a pinning ceremony. According to Petronella. this is a formal graduation ceremony for students and faculty. They receive their nursing pin and honor all their hard work during this event.
Meetings are currently offered on Zoom and in-person. With nursing students’ schedules, Petronella thinks that Zoom tends to be easier, so next semester, meetings will most likely still be offered virtually; however, in-person meetings are offered if anyone wants to meet with Petronella on campus or have person-to-person interaction with fellow nursing students.
Engineering Tech Club (ETC)
ETC may be of interest to students pursuing an engineering degree or anyone wanting to build and learn more about robots. No prior knowledge about robots, engineering or coding is necessary.
This semester, ETC has been able to meet on campus weekly to design and create their current robot. They have also met together off-campus to take part in activities such as bowling, trampoline parks and more.
For the spring semester, Nick Parkin, president of ETC, is planning on taking their current robot to compete in a robotics competition. The location is still unknown, but ETC could travel out of state to compete.
Human Services Club (HSC)
HSC has done many events this fall. Tiffany Jensen, president of HSC, explained a few events they did like vision board making, cosponsoring a Fall Fest, making Halloween treat bags for children who aren’t able to eat candies due to disabilities, and a movie night with SWANS (Students Who Are Not Silent).
HSC also does quite a bit of service work. Last month, they made love letters to send to the elderly. Similar activities get members of HSC into the community and allow them to give back.
Currently, HSC is still working on its plans for the spring semester. Jensen said HSC values not only their leaders’ ideas but also members’ input on possible event ideas.
Many HSC meetings have been in person, so there have not been many online meetings. It is still undecided if HSC plans to do virtual meetings or events during the spring semester.
Recovery of All Kinds (ROAK)
ROAK is for students in the recovery of any kind.
“Whether it be substances, like drugs or alcohol; emotions; process disorders, like gambling, codependency; or for people who have family members in recover or possibly haven’t sought recovery— ROAK is for them,” said Victoria Tischer, President of ROAK.
Tischer said that ROAK is a safe space for students to come together with others they can relate to and learn possible coping skills from. Students also can find support and resources to help aid in their recovery process.
ROAK’s vice president Jack Espinoza said ROAK is planning to have a newsletter out to our members which contains what recovery looks like in the media, any interviews we plan on doing, volunteer opportunities, and student input on what they believe recovery is.
ROAK is still going to have its general meetings in the spring, but they also want to have events each month.
Espinoza wants to emphasize that ROAK is a student-led group by supportive students and is not just a club that brings in professionals to diagnose someone’s problems. The whole idea of the group is to remain anonymous. Teachers and facilitators don’t come into meetings.
Tischer finds that ROAK supplies a relatable space.
“There’s a lot of power within groups when you can hear from somebody else, ‘Yes, I felt that way too,’” Tischer said. “It can help remove that shame or stigma that we use as a weapon against ourselves.”
Spartan Christian Fellowship (SCF)
SCF provides an open space to discuss biblical readings, but it is not limited to just Christians. Stephen Torres, president of SCF, believes that the club serves as an open, wholesome environment where students of any religion can be open about anything.
This semester, many of their meetings were over Zoom and consisted of reading a Psalm to then later discuss everyone’s interpretation. They also played a game of 2 truths and a lie, as well as Pictionary. SCF also had an in-person Bible Jeopardy last month.
Plans for the spring semester are not set in stone, but Torres’s hope for the club is to gain more members and transition to in-person in the spring or at least have more of a hybrid schedule.

It is currently my second year at ECC, and I am working towards my Associate in Science. I am planning to major in Civil Engineering once I leave ECC,...