Private Illinois College & Universities Fair at ECC
Students browse the possible university opportunities in Building B hallway
The end of the semester is nearing and early registration is just around the corner. Meanwhile, those burning questions that all student asks themselves are only getting louder. Where am I going? What should I pursue? Am I making the right decision? Without the right advice and direction, these can be the questions that send any college student into a panic.
Luckily on Tuesday, March 6, the Private Illinois College & Universities Fair featured 37 different scholastic institutions all hungry for young minds looking to extend their academic career into whatever field they desire. Located in the main Building B hallway, the representatives from all the different schools were ready and willing to answer any questions you may have been still lulling over.
“What we want to show your students is that transferring to a four-year institution is both easy and possible,” said Sherry Anton, representative of Columbia College Chicago. “At this stage, plenty of students getting started at a community college level are looking for various options to continue and that’s what we’re offering today.”
The multitude of schools provided a wide range of options that allowed students to easily narrow down what they’d like to pursue.
Are you looking for a Christian-centered campus? Try Olivet Nazarene University. What about a multi-media based curriculum? Take a look at Columbia College Chicago. Pursuing a nursing degree? Lakeview College of Nursing may have what you’re looking for. Need a part-time evening program that will balance with your work schedule? Northwestern School of Professional Studies can help.
The parade of schools may, however, feel rather intimidating, especially if you’re a student that isn’t exactly sure what they’re looking for.
“So many of these fairs I go to, you’ll say ‘hi’ to somebody and they’ll just look away, but they can help you,” said Adam Banter, representative of Olivet Nazarene University. “These people have been in this profession, and yeah they’ll try to talk to you and get you into their school but at the same time, they’re giving you the opportunity to glean information from somebody who knows the questions that people should be asking.”
These representatives may all be on different teams, but every one of their intentions is the same.
“Even if that’s not the place for you to go, I love just helping people,” Banter said. “So ask questions. If someone looks like they’re lost, I’ll try and help them.”
These advisers were all here for the same reason, to try and help you succeed. No matter how unsure you are on your path, these advisers can only help.
“Even if you don’t know the questions that you have, that’s what we’re here for,” said Jessica Styx, representative of Northwestern University School of Professional Studies. “We know what you need to know.”
Many of the featured universities are very transfer-friendly. Many if not most of the credits earned at Elgin Community College will transfer to these four-year universities so you can continue your studies without having to re-take classes you’ve already taken.
Just because the PICU Fair is over does not mean you’ve lost your chance to learn more about transfer opportunities and what these schools have to offer. You can reach advisers and representatives from any one of the schools that were represented by reaching their website. Don’t forget to also speak with your adviser on the best options that suit your specific academic aspirations.