ECC Women’s Basketball ends rough season
As the Elgin Community College Women’s Basketball season comes to an end, this is a season that both the coach and the players would like to forget about.
With a current record of 2-21 with only one game left, this is one of the worst season’s ECC has ever seen here with women’s basketball.
However, the coach and players are happy with the final result of the team and how they have learned to play with each other this season.
Head Coach Jerry McLaughlin believes this has been a rough season but sees improvement happening with this team.
“Minus the team’s wins and losses the team chemistry here is really good and I think it will continue to grow,” McLaughlin said.
Some issues have come up for the women’s basketball team is injures, and number of players that are on the team. For a couple of games in late December and early January they were only playing with five players, two out with injury and one was ineligible due to grades and that made it tough on both the coach and the players.
“It’s kind of stressful on me, I don’t make a whole issue out of it but the players know that they have to stay out of foul trouble and they have to stay healthy throughout the entire game,” McLaughlin said.
Another issue that the team is facing is that they are playing division two teams when they have been a division three team since the team was started.
“Like right now we are playing division two teams when a division three team and the division two teams were much more talented than the division three teams. When we played division three teams it was a much closer game,” McLaughlin said.
Some of the players as well think that the season wasn’t a total lost and one of those players is Nikki Dumoulin.
“If you look at our record, people probably think that there not doing good but like coach said we have improvement so much this season and I’ve never been so proud of so many people on a team just to see them all improve and just to be a part of that,” Dumoulin said.
Another player that agrees with her is her sister Patricia Dumoulin.
“I would agree with her, our record does not show how well our team is playing, there was a while there where we were playing with only five players and everyone goes out there and plays with all of their hearts and plays there hardest and that overall is more valuable than wins and losses,” Dumoulin said.
Arely Ramos is another player for ECC that agrees that the record does not show how much they have improved and played.
“Day in and day out everyone plays and works so hard and the improvement has been great, we just get along so well it makes it fun, I mean I think it was a week ago and I hit a three-pointer and my teammates went wild, that is what makes basketball fun,” Ramos said.
With the season basically over the team is now looking to the playoffs with their final game on Feb. 14th at home, they look to close the season on a bright point before the playoffs.

Hi, My name is Ryan Naughton, I write for the ECC Observer. This is my fourth semester as a staff writer and first as the Video Content Coordinator here...