The Big Print Show gives the Spartan Terrance a new look

lance lagoni

The Big Picture Show had eight student winners. The large photographic prints will be on display in the Spartan Terrace Restaurant for the next year. The is the work of Justin Sheehan.

Luz Silva, Managing Editor

The Spartan Terrace has recently had a change of look as new selections of big prints were chosen and unveiled on Nov. 15.

Earlier in the semester, there was a deadline for students to submit work that would be judged by an unbiased juror who would choose the final eight selections to be displayed in Elgin Community College’s very own Spartan Terrace. They received 123 entries, “Some of the strongest work yet, it’s getting more competitive every year,” said Travis Linville, Assistant Professor of Photography.

This year is the third year that the Culinary Arts and Photography departments have collaborated to make this show. A mini-grant from ECC’s Foundation, through their Excellence in Teaching program, is received and makes the Big Print show possible, as it cost to produce the large prints.

“I’m so thankful to come to a college that offers such extraordinary opportunities and the ability to make our own little works of art, hopefully, meaningful to many other people. All art is a communication process, that it’s really given me the ability to communicate with so many other people,” said Rod Rieger, ECC student whose photograph was one the selections displayed.

The new selections are refreshing, “I think it’s wonderful, I think the pictures are great. They look wonderful out there,” said Jennifer Loiacano, Director of Spartan Terrace.

It’s a great opportunity for students who win to add this achievement to their resume. “This is an opportunity to share with a wider audience, some of the different ways photographs are used and photographs are taken,” Linville said.

The pictures chosen are a varied selection and are not typical photographs. The Big Print Show displays how photography is a form of art and shares a great selection of ECC’s very own students.