Underrated Movie: Robin Williams creeps out audiences in “One Hour Photo”

Robin Williams creeps out audiences in this scene of “One Hour Photo.” Photo provided by Word Press.

Juan Castillo, Staff Writer

When people think of Robin Williams as an actor, some might first come up with Williams’ more light-hearted roles in movies. Consisting of films such as Flubber and Mrs. Doubtfire. However, in One Hour Photo, Robin Williams becomes one of the creepiest characters I have ever seen in a film.

The film follows a lonely photo technician named Seymour “Sy” Parrish played by Robin Williams. Sy is very good at his job and seems to be the most dedicated photo technician around. Although as the film continues we learn of Sy’s obsession with the Yorkin family who have been loyal customers of his for many years.

Sy tries very hard throughout the film to get close to the family in any way possible. He attempts to begin a conversation with Nina Yorkin, played by Connie Nielsen, by showing interest in a book that he had seen her purchase. He even goes as far to go to the soccer game of the young Jake Yorkin, played by Dylan Smith, and attempts to give him a toy he wanted after he had seen him looking at it in the store.

Sy’s mental state comes in question very early on in the film and the audience gets a glimpse of this from multiple scenes where you have to question whether that scene actually happened or if it was all in Sy’s mind. This almost provides you with a glimpse into the way the character’s mind works. His obsession with the Yorkin family is so strong that he hallucinates moments where he is a part of the family.

This question of what is real and what is simply glimpses into Sy’s imagination begins to really come into play near the climax of the film. Sy finds out that Will Yorkin, played by Michael Vartan, the father of the Yorkin family is having an affair with another woman. This, along with the fact that he is also fired from his photo technician job, shatters Sy’s perception of the Yorkins being the picture perfect family and causes him to become more deranged than ever before.

Robin Williams in this role perfectly portrays a disturbed individual and will have you on the edge of your seat because you just don’t know what he is really capable of. The film provides a glimpse into the world of this disturbed individual and leaves you feeling as disturbed as if you had experienced the events of the film first hand. This film is a classic example of a psychological thriller that will stick in your mind weeks after you watch it.