Photos: Various Elgin Community College clubs participate in the international street fair
Hannah Soukup and Yesenia De La Torre|November 26, 2022
ECC clubs participated in the International Street Fair by representing different cultures on Thursday, Nov. 17 in the Jobe Lounge. The proceeds from this ECC event went to the Ukraine Relief Fund.
Attendees visit various tables in the Jobe Lounge on Nov. 17, 2022. Attendees viewed what each club had to offer for the International Street Fair.
Members of ECC’s Anime Club represent Japan with trinkets, festivities, and culturally-appropriate food.
ECC’s Organization of Latin American Students represent Mexico and even include a board with information on Mexican culture.
The Student Government at ECC prepared Italian cuisine and decor to represent Italian lineage for the International Street Fair.
The Black Student Achievers club at ECC represented Jamica and provided information on Jamaican culture for the International Street Fair.
ECC’s honors society, Phi Theta Kappa, represents Poland for the International Street Fair.
The Gamers United club at ECC chose to represent Germany for the International Street Fair.
Davina Mahakhouanvong, a nursing student and member of the Associated Nursing Students Club at ECC, wraps a string of yarn around the wrist of an ECC student. This Laos tradition is believed to send blessings and positive vibes to the person with the bracelet.
Members of ECC’s Associated Nursing Students club represent Laos for the International Street Fair.
ECC’s United Students of All Cultures Club represents India for the International Street Fair and provides several cultural relics for viewing purposes.
The Asian Filipino Club at ECC represents the Philippines for the International Street Fair and provided several cultural stories and items for fellow ECC students to enjoy.
ECC student Hannah Garcia, member of ECC’s Asian Filipino Club, brought in figurines that are relevant to her family’s culture. This particular figurine was used by her father when he lived in the Philippines.
Henna artist Denise Lazzara paints henna on dual-credit student and Vice President of ECC’s Phi Theta Kappa, Kelly Stoffle. Henna is known to be a part of Indian culture and is worn culturally, but as it has popularized, it is often utilized in the fashion world.

Hi everyone! My name is Hannah and I’m the Managing Editor of The Observer. I love writing, I've been interested in journalism for a few years, and I...

Hi I'm Yesenia! This is my second year at ECC and with The Observer. I'm working towards my Associates in Arts with my focus being Journalism. I plan on...